关于「 griffith」的内容列表

The US judge has agreed to reduce the sentence of Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith by seven months to 56 months

Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith was sentenced to 63 months in prison, or about five years, in 2022 for violating sanctions laws when he traveled to North Korea in 2019 to "demonstrate and provide technical advice on the use of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to evade sanctions." US District Judge Kevin Castel this week ordered that Griffith's sentence be reduced by seven months to 56 months. The judge said: "While the court did note the defendant's'irregularities' while in the custod...

2024-07-18 03:53:11
美国法官同意将以太坊开发者Virgil Griffith的刑期减少7个月至56个月

以太坊开发者 Virgil Griffith于 2019 年前往朝鲜“就使用加密货币和区块链技术逃避制裁进行演示并提供技术建议”,违反了制裁法,2022 年他被判处 63 个月监禁,约合 5 年有期徒刑。 美国地区法官Kevin Castel本周下令,将Griffith的刑期减少 7 个月,减至 56 个月。法官表示:“虽然法院确实注意到被告在监狱局羁押期间的‘违规行为’,但保护公众免...

2024-07-18 03:53:11
Department of Justice Opposes Ethereum Developer Virgil Griffith's Request for 5-Year Sentence Reduction

Department of Justice officials have drafted a motion against an application by Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith to reduce his sentence for violating sanctions against North Korea. US Attorney Damian Williams said in a June 17 filing in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York that the judge should deny Virgil Griffith's motion to reduce his sentence to 51 months.

2024-06-19 00:22:49
美国司法部反对以太坊开发者Virgil Griffith减刑5年的申请

美国司法部官员已起草一份动议,反对以太坊开发者 Virgil Griffith 因违反对朝鲜制裁而提出的减刑申请。美国检察官 Damian Williams 在 6 月 17 日提交给纽约南区美国地方法院的一份文件中称,法官应该驳回 Virgil Griffith 将刑期减至 51 个月的动议。

2024-06-19 00:22:49